Tips for Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again. The holiday buzz has passed and you’re questioning all the new year’s resolutions you made when the clock struck midnight. Well, it doesn’t have to be this way. We’ve put together some tips to help achieve your resolutions this year.

17 Jan 2022

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Be realistic

Pick one specific goal. Sticking to only one resolution will allow you to better focus on this particular change you want to make and give you the best chances of achieving your goal.

When selecting your resolution, choose one that is not only achievable, but also meaningful to you. A lot of resolutions fail because they are simply not the right resolutions. For example, a resolution may be the wrong one for you if it is based on what someone else (or society) is telling you to change. Take time to consider what is important to you, not anyone else.

Your resolution should be a clear, concrete goal. A vague goal like, “I want to lose weight” is not enough. Instead, consider how much weight you want to lose and at what time interval.

Plan ahead

Create a plan for how you will achieve your goal. The best way to begin is with small steps, and gradually increase as the year continues. Ensure this plan is visual so you are constantly reminded of your goal and action plan.

Get support

Involving family and friends will help with accountability and support. The best-case scenario is to find a friend who shares the same resolution and motivate each other. If this is not possible, simply tell someone about your goal and how you plan to achieve it. This will make you feel more accountable. Another way to increase accountability is to make your goal public by posting it on social media.

Reward yourself

Celebrate even the smallest successes with something enjoyable that does not contradict the resolution. Think about what motivates you - whether that’s money, treats, spending time with friends – it’s different for everyone. Pick something that will feel like a great reward to keep you going.

Track your progress

Writing down your thoughts and experiences during your journey toward achieving your goal is an important part of your success. This will help you recognise both your successes and challenges so you can look back on the progress you've made.

Expect setbacks

Don’t beat yourself up over the occasional slip-up. Do the best that is possible each day and take one day at a time. When there is a hurdle, don't dwell on it. It is important to remember that even when you’ve set a plan, life gets in the way, so be flexible. Remember that change is a process, so be kind to yourself.

Learn and adapt

After all your planning, things may still go wrong. Learn from these findings and adjust your plan accordingly. Maybe you’ve noticed that running three times a week is just not feasible. If so, adjust your plan to avoid further disappointment. Take note of what has gone wrong, what might have triggered it and what you might do differently next time. By understanding the challenges you face, you will be better prepared to deal with them in the future.

We hope these tips help you achieve your 2022 goal – best of luck!

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