Staff Spotlight - Patrick Hothersall

Introducing Patrick, a valued member of our Greenkeeping Team! Originally from England, Patrick brought his Greenkeeping expertise to New Zealand and has been with us since 2017. His love for the outdoors fuels his passion for Millbrook, where he thrives in our stunning surroundings and team-oriented culture. Patrick takes pride in keeping our golf course looking its absolute best!

13 Aug 2024

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How long have you been at Millbrook?

I joined in October 2017, left for the winter then came back in 2018 and have been here since.

Tell us about yourself:

Born and raised in Lancashire, England, I started a Greenkeeping career right out of high school. I always wanted to see the world, so used my job to travel and work. I've been lucky enough to work on golf courses in England, Austria, USA, Australia, Germany, Scotland and here in New Zealand. I'd say my two main hobbies are running and darts.

What does your typical day at Millbrook look like?

Myself and the other managers will get in half an hour early and discuss the plan for the day. We designate all the jobs, including ones for ourselves. I could find myself doing a whole host of jobs. The variety is a perk of the job. I could be mowing greens one day, cutting cups the next or working on projects. There's never two days the same!

What do you love most about your job?

I love being outside, making the golf course look its best. I really like the variety of jobs that I can be doing. There's always something to be done and there's always something new round the corner. We have a great team too. Everyone works for each other and spirits are always high. 

What is it that makes Millbrook so special?

The location really sets it off. When you drive down the Avenue, you really get a sense of history of the place. I feel like there's always been a great culture within Millbrook. Everyone goes above and beyond to make it such a great place to visit and to work.

What is the best advice you've ever been given?

Live a life where you can say 'I did' and not a life where you say 'I wish I did'.

Cats or dogs?

Dogs every day of the week!

Favourite movie?


Favourite place in the world?

Coogee, Sydney.

Favourite food?

Shephard's Pie.

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